To the international users of LebensBlicke Foundation

2017-03 Weltkarte StatistikLebensBlicke Foundation since nearly 20 years is strongly engaged in colon cancer prevention. A lot has been achieved in the last two decades the most important being reduction of mortality and incidence of colon cancer. Many countries meanwhile have introduced screening programs; however the participation rate is far from being satisfying. Therefore a lot remains to do in particular continuous information and motivation on a serious basis. Our website daily is read by numerous users from all over the world. If you share or views and wish to support our work LebensBlicke Foundation would appreciate very much if you would consider advisory support or perhaps even a charity donation. Please feel free to contact us: Thank you very much in advance for your attention. Photo: International visitors March 20th, 2017

Stiftung LebensBlicke
Sparkasse Vorderpfalz
Hauptstraße 250
D-67067 Ludwigshafen am Rhein

IBAN: DE 22 5455 0010 0000 0009 68